function a0_fit = fitPowerLawParamsMulti(a0, y, c0, f_ref, y_ref, plot_fit) %FITPOWERLAWPARAMS Fit power law absorption parameters for highly absorbing media. % % DESCRIPTION: % fitPowerLawParamsMulti calculates the absorption parameters that % should be defined in the simulation functions given the desired % absorption behaviour (defined by a0 and y) at a given frequency % (f_ref). This takes into account the actual absorption behaviour % exhibited by the fractional Laplacian wave equation (see Eq. 40 in % [1]), and the restriction that k-Wave only allows a single value for % the power law exponent medium.alpha_power (given here by y_ref). % % This fitting is required when using large absorption values or high % frequencies, as the fractional Laplacian wave equation solved in % kspaceFirstOrderND and kspaceSecondOrder no longer encapsulates % absorption of the form a = a0*f^y (see Fig. 2 in [1]). It is also % required if using a spatially varying power law exponent y. % % The returned values should be used to define medium.alpha_coeff % within the simulation functions, with medium.alpha_power = y_ref. The % absorption behaviour at the frequency f_ref will then match the % absorption given by the power law parameters a0 and y. % % USAGE: % a0_fit = fitPowerLawParamsMulti(a0, y, c0, f_ref, y_ref) % a0_fit = fitPowerLawParamsMulti(a0, y, c0, f_ref, y_ref, plot_fit) % % INPUTS: % a0 - matrix of desired power law absorption prefactors % [dB/(MHz^y cm)] % y - matrix of desired power law exponents % c0 - matrix of medium sound speed [m/s] % f_ref - reference frequency [Hz] % y_ref - reference power law exponent % % OPTIONAL INPUTS % plot_fit - Boolean controlling whether the final fit is % displayed (default = false) % % OUTPUTS: % a0_fit - power law absorption prefactor that should be used to % define medium.alpha_coeff in the simulation functions % % ABOUT: % author - Bradley E. Treeby % date - 8th March 2018 % last update - 26th April 2020 % % REFERENCES: % [1] Treeby, B. E., & Cox, B. T. (2014). Modeling power law absorption % and dispersion in viscoelastic solids using a split-field and the % fractional Laplacian. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of % America, 136(4), 1499-1510. % % This function is part of the k-Wave Toolbox ( % Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Bradley Treeby % This file is part of k-Wave. k-Wave is free software: you can % redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser % General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, % either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % k-Wave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS % FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for % more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License % along with k-Wave. If not, see . % check for plot input if nargin < 6 plot_fit = false; end % check inputs validateattributes(a0, {'numeric'}, {'real', 'nonnegative'}, mfilename, 'a0', 1); validateattributes(y, {'numeric'}, {'real', '>=', 0, '<=', 3}, mfilename, 'y', 2); validateattributes(c0, {'numeric'}, {'real', 'nonnegative'}, mfilename, 'c0', 3); validateattributes(f_ref, {'numeric'}, {'real', 'nonnegative', 'scalar'}, mfilename, 'f_ref', 4); validateattributes(y_ref, {'numeric'}, {'real', 'scalar', '>=', 0, '<=', 3}, mfilename, 'y_ref', 5); validateattributes(plot_fit, {'logical'}, {'scalar'}, mfilename, 'plot_fit', 6); % make sure reference value isn't 1 if y_ref == 1 error('Input for y_ref cannot be set to 1.'); end % define frequency in rad/s w = 2 * pi * f_ref; % convert user defined a0 to Nepers/((rad/s)^y m) a0_np = db2neper(a0, y); % define desired absorption behaviour in Nepers/m desired_absorption = a0_np .* w.^y; % find the corresponding values of a0 that should be used in the % fractional Laplacian wave equation to give the desired absorption % behaviour taking into account second order effects (see Eq. 40 in [1]) a0_fit_np = desired_absorption ./ ( w.^y_ref + desired_absorption .* (y_ref + 1) .* c0 .* tan(pi .* y_ref ./ 2) .* w.^(y_ref - 1) ); % convert absorption prefactor back to dB/(MHz^y cm) a0_fit = neper2db(a0_fit_np, y_ref); % plot the final fit if desired if plot_fit % create a small frequency range around the input frequency f_min = f_ref / 2; f_max = f_ref + f_min; f = f_min:(f_max - f_min)/1000:f_max; w = 2 * pi * f; % get suitable x-axis scale factor [~, scale, prefix] = scaleSI(f(end)); % convert from Np/m to dB/cm conv_factor = (0.01 * 20 * log10(exp(1))); desired_absorption = desired_absorption .* conv_factor; % open figure figure; hold on; % get colors color_order = get(gca, 'ColorOrder'); num_colors = size(color_order, 1); color_ind = 1; % get the unique values of the absorption coefficient [a0_uniq, ind_uniq] = unique(a0); % loop through the input values for plot_ind = 1:length(a0_uniq) % get the index of the value for comparison comp_ind = ind_uniq(plot_ind); % compute absorption behaviour absorption_fit = a0_fit_np(comp_ind) .* w.^y_ref ./ ( 1 - (y_ref + 1) .* a0_fit_np(comp_ind) .* c0(comp_ind) .* tan(pi .* y_ref ./ 2) .* w.^(y_ref - 1) ); % convert from Np/m to dB/cm absorption_fit = absorption_fit .* conv_factor; % plot plot(f_ref .* scale, desired_absorption(comp_ind), '.', 'Color', color_order(color_ind, :)); plot(f .* scale, a0(comp_ind) .* (f .* 1e-6) .^ y(comp_ind), '--', 'Color', color_order(color_ind, :)); plot(f .* scale, absorption_fit, '-', 'Color', color_order(color_ind, :)); % increment color index color_ind = color_ind + 1; if color_ind > num_colors color_ind = 1; end end % annotate plot set(gca, 'FontSize', 12); xlabel(['Frequency [' prefix 'Hz]']); ylabel('Absorption [dB/cm]'); legend('Desired Absorption Value', 'Original Power Law', 'Fitted Power Law', 'Location', 'NorthWest'); axis tight; end