function h5writeatt(Filename,Location,Attname,Attvalue,varargin) %H5WRITEATT Write HDF5 attribute. % H5WRITEATT(FILENAME,LOCATION,ATTNAME,ATTVALUE, Name1, Value1, ...) % writes the attribute named ATTNAME with the value ATTVALUE to the HDF5 % file FILENAME. The parent object LOCATION can be either a group or % variable. LOCATION must be a complete pathname. % % Name-Value pairs % ---------------- % 'TextEncoding' - Defines the character encoding to be used for the % attribute name. This character encoding also applies % to any text that is being written as the value of the % attribute. It takes values 'system' or 'UTF-8'. % Default value is 'UTF-8'. % % The specified attribute will be created if it does not already exist. % If the specified attribute already exists but does not have a datatype % or dataspace consistent with ATTVALUE, the attribute will be deleted % and recreated. % % String attributes will be created with a scalar dataspace. % % Example: Create a root group attribute whose value is the current % time. % srcFile = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','demos','example.h5'); % copyfile(srcFile,'myfile.h5'); % fileattrib('myfile.h5','+w'); % h5writeatt('myfile.h5','/','creation_date',datestr(now)); % % Example: Create a double precision data set attribute. % srcFile = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','demos','example.h5'); % copyfile(srcFile,'myfile.h5'); % fileattrib('myfile.h5','+w'); % attData = [0 1 2 3]; % h5writeatt('myfile.h5','/g4/world','attr',attData); % h5disp('myfile.h5','/g4/world'); % % See also H5READATT, H5DISP. % Copyright 2010-2019 The MathWorks, Inc. if nargin > 0 Filename = convertStringsToChars(Filename); end if nargin > 1 Location = convertStringsToChars(Location); end if nargin > 2 Attname = convertStringsToChars(Attname); end p = inputParser; p.addRequired('Filename', ... @(x) validateattributes(x,{'char', 'string'},{'nonempty', 'scalartext'},'','FILENAME')); p.addRequired('Location', ... @(x) validateattributes(x,{'char', 'string'},{'nonempty', 'scalartext'},'','LOCATION')); p.addRequired('Attname', ... @(x) validateattributes(x,{'char', 'string'},{'nonempty', 'scalartext'},'','LOCATION')); p.addRequired('Attvalue',@(x)true); p.addParameter('TextEncoding', 'UTF-8', ... @(x) ismember(lower(x), {'system', 'utf-8'})); p.parse(Filename,Location,Attname,Attvalue,varargin{:}); useUtf8 = strcmpi(p.Results.TextEncoding, 'UTF-8'); % Convert cellstrs to strings if iscellstr(Attvalue) Attvalue = string(Attvalue) ; end if Location(1) ~= '/' error(message('MATLAB:imagesci:h5writeatt:notFullPathName')); end fileId =,'H5F_ACC_RDWR','H5P_DEFAULT'); cf = onCleanup(@()H5F.close(fileId)); objId =,Location,'H5P_DEFAULT'); co = onCleanup(@()H5O.close(objId)); dataspaceId = createDataspaceId(Attvalue); cdsp = onCleanup(@()H5S.close(dataspaceId)); datatypeId = createDatatypeId(Attvalue, useUtf8); cdt = onCleanup(@()H5T.close(datatypeId)); acpl = H5P.create('H5P_ATTRIBUTE_CREATE'); cacpl = onCleanup(@()H5P.close(acpl)); % If the attribute already exists, open it. If it does not exist, create % it. try attrId =,Attname,'H5P_DEFAULT'); catch me % If not the error we normally would expect when trying to open an % attribute, then something bad happened. if ~strcmp(me.identifier,'MATLAB:imagesci:hdf5lib:libraryError') rethrow(me); end % Assume the attribute doesn't exist. if useUtf8 H5P.set_char_encoding(acpl, H5ML.get_constant_value('H5T_CSET_UTF8')); end attrId = H5A.create(objId,Attname,datatypeId,dataspaceId,acpl); end % Is the datatype equivalent? Is the dataspace equivalent? atype = H5A.get_type(attrId); catype = onCleanup(@()H5T.close(atype)); space = H5A.get_space(attrId); cspace = onCleanup(@()H5S.close(space)); [~,dims] = H5S.get_simple_extent_dims(space); if ( ~H5T.equal(atype,datatypeId) ) || (prod(dims) ~= numel(Attvalue)) % Must delete the attribute and recreate it. H5A.close(attrId); H5A.delete(objId,Attname); if useUtf8 H5P.set_char_encoding(acpl, H5ML.get_constant_value('H5T_CSET_UTF8')); end attrId = H5A.create(objId,Attname,datatypeId,dataspaceId,acpl); end cattrId = onCleanup(@()H5A.close(attrId)); H5A.write(attrId,datatypeId,Attvalue); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function dataspace_id = createDataspaceId(attvalue) % Setup the dataspace ID. This just depends on how many elements the % attribute actually has. if isempty(attvalue) dataspace_id = H5S.create('H5S_NULL'); return; elseif ischar(attvalue) if isrow(attvalue) dataspace_id = H5S.create('H5S_SCALAR'); return else error(message('MATLAB:imagesci:h5writeatt:badStringSize')); end else if ismatrix(attvalue) && ( any(size(attvalue) ==1) ) rank = 1; dims = numel(attvalue); else % attribute is a "real" 2D value. rank = ndims(attvalue); dims = fliplr(size(attvalue)); end end dataspace_id = H5S.create_simple(rank,dims,dims); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function datatype_id = createDatatypeId ( attvalue, useUtf8 ) % We need to choose an appropriate HDF5 datatype based upon the attribute % data. switch class(attvalue) case 'double' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE'); case 'single' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT'); case 'int64' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_LLONG'); case 'uint64' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG'); case 'int32' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_INT'); case 'uint32' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_UINT'); case 'int16' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_SHORT'); case 'uint16' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_USHORT'); case 'int8' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR'); case 'uint8' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR'); case 'char' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_C_S1'); if useUtf8 H5T.set_cset(datatype_id, H5ML.get_constant_value('H5T_CSET_UTF8')); H5T.set_size(datatype_id, 'H5T_VARIABLE'); elseif numel(attvalue) > 0 % Don't do this when working with empty strings. H5T.set_size(datatype_id, numel(attvalue)); end H5T.set_strpad(datatype_id,'H5T_STR_NULLTERM'); case 'string' datatype_id = H5T.copy('H5T_C_S1'); H5T.set_cset(datatype_id, H5ML.get_constant_value('H5T_CSET_UTF8')); H5T.set_size(datatype_id, 'H5T_VARIABLE'); H5T.set_strpad(datatype_id,'H5T_STR_NULLTERM'); otherwise error(message('MATLAB:imagesci:h5writeatt:unsupportedAttributeDatatype', class( attvalue ))); end