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C++/GPU version of kspaceFirstOrder2D 10 bramth 4 years
Creating HDF5 input files in Octave 5 Jiri Jaros 5 years
C++ Simulation Codes for 2D Problems 2 Jiri Jaros 6 years
Problem when creating a hdf-input file for kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP 2 Jiri Jaros 6 years
Extending checkpoint functionality 4 Jiri Jaros 6 years
C++ binary in 2D 2 Bradley Treeby 7 years
Another "unable to open file" post 2 Jiri Jaros 7 years
Problem running kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP via Matlab 5 xzhan110 7 years
problems with kspaceFirstOrder3DC for heterogeneous alpha_power 5 nellens1 7 years
problem when running kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP 3 xiaofengzhao 8 years
Problem with 3D simulation on server outside matlab 2 Jiri Jaros 8 years
running k-wave simulation in linux terminal 4 Bradley Treeby 8 years
time-reversal reconstruction 4 Bradley Treeby 8 years
Combining element grid points for 3D 2 Bradley Treeby 9 years
avx support 2 Jiri Jaros 10 years
Don't you have a working kspaceFirstOrder3DC() based example? 2 Anthony 10 years
problem saving .h5 for c++ simulation 8 sheun 10 years
Error: C++ binaries must be placed in the binaries folder 2 Bradley Treeby 10 years
Creating my own HDF5 input file: calculation of ddx_k_shift_pos_r 4 Anthony 11 years