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[sticky] Error reading h5 files when using binaries (MATLAB 2020a) 18 Bradley Treeby 2 years
Discrepancy between kspaceFirstOrder3DG and kspaceFirstOrder3D 1 rali2 2 months
Error kWave cuda 3DG p_source_input has wrong dimension size. iostream error 8 chatillon 5 months
C++ FFT plans creation really slow 4 zak morgan 7 months
kspaceFirstOrder-CUDA v1.3 claims it needs CUDA 12.0 2 pamparana 9 months
memory requirements for GPU version 2 daga_pankaj 10 months
Large-scale-simulation On 8 A100 GPUS 8 Pavel 1 year
CUDA simulation on Ada architecture - All CUDA-capable devices are busy 4 f841r 1 year
GPU Selection 1 jacqueline.li0211 1 year
Is NVIDIA RTX 3060 compatible with k-wave? 15 Jiri Jaros 1 year
Why the simulation stop for a while when outputing 'Selected GPU device id'? 2 jianpanGao 1 year
GPU code can't be run from matlab 1 pk82418 2 years
GPU code does not perform Apodization 1 manik 2 years
error in h5readc file in large kgrid 3 ellianarv 2 years
Double precision in GPU binaries based simulation 3 Karthik Nagabhushana 2 years
h5readc error when using kspaceFirstOrder2DG 4 Bradley Treeby 2 years
simulation using Ampere-based GPUs 2 rainbowwhale 3 years
Multiple GPU Operation 6 Jiri Jaros 3 years
Incorrect output data dimension for gaussianFilter to work 2 Bradley Treeby 3 years
Simulate Axisymmetric acoustic field using CUDA binary got wrong result 2 Bradley Treeby 3 years
Slightly different results between kspaceFirstOrder2D and kspaceFirstOrder2DG 3 Bradley Treeby 3 years