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Converting perfusion values from literature for use in k-Wave thermal sims 1 otyunis 5 months
EM wave SAR (specific absorbation rate) W/Kg unit conversion to [dB/(MHz^y cm)] 3 Bradley Treeby 6 months
HITU analysis 2 Bradley Treeby 8 months
Converting temperature-time data to CEM43? 1 ellianarv 1 year
kdiff object creating T matrix of NaN values 2 Bradley Treeby 1 year
Volume rate of heat deposition units 4 bencox 1 year
Volume rate of heat deposition as divergence of intensity 1 Manuel Vielma 1 year
Ultrasound heating and Intensity 2 bencox 1 year
Doubts converting pressure into heat deposition 2 bencox 2 years
The difference between 2 dimension and 3dimension 2 Bradley Treeby 2 years
Unexpected heating at the focus 2 Bradley Treeby 2 years
Differences in focus pressure between k-Wave and analytical transducer model 3 Deepak Sonker 2 years
Temperature Changes with Grid Size? 7 Alexander 3 years
Staircase Problem 4 Bradley Treeby 3 years
C++ kWaveDiffusion 5 Bradley Treeby 3 years
Memory Issues and a Possible Workaround? 5 DLam 3 years
Perfusion Value in BioHeatExact 2 Bradley Treeby 4 years
heat generated by HIFU 6 Bradley Treeby 4 years
Ultrasound heating does not work in a heteregeneous 2 Bradley Treeby 4 years
perfectly matched layer (PML) in thermal simulation 5 Bradley Treeby 4 years