How would I go about importing a source from a metalens in Ansy Lumbrical fdtd. My initial thought is to import the intensity image. Any input would be appreciated.
I'm new to kwave and would like to understand how I could do it. Thanks
A MATLAB toolbox for the time-domain
simulation of acoustic wave fields
source from ansys lumerical fdtd
(3 posts) (1 voice)-
Posted 5 months ago #
nvm figured it out
Posted 5 months ago # -
I only managed to import the intensity field profile data, but I haven't quite figured out how to turn the data into a light source. I have tried using source.p0 but the propagating source is not right and also tried using loadImage but I think it's not ideal for my application.
some help or pointers would be greatly appreciatedPosted 5 months ago #
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