kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP  1.2
The C++ implementation of the k-wave toolbox for the time-domain simulation of acoustic wave fields in 3D
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBaseMatrixAbstract base class. The common ancestor defining the common interface and allowing derived classes to be allocated, freed and loaded from the file using the Matrix container
 CBaseFloatMatrixAbstract base class for float based matrices defining basic interface. Higher dimensional matrices stored as 1D arrays, row-major order
 CComplexMatrixThe class for complex matrices
 CFftwComplexMatrixClass implementing 3D and 1D Real-To-Complex and Complex-To-Real transforms using FFTW interface
 CRealMatrixThe class for real matrices
 CBaseIndexMatrixAbstract base class for index based matrices defining basic interface. Higher dimensional matrices stored as 1D arrays, row-major order
 CIndexMatrixThe class for 64b unsigned integers (indices). It is used for linear and cuboid corners masks to get the address of sampled voxels
 CBaseOutputStreamAbstract base class for output data streams (sampled data)
 CCuboidOutputStreamOutput stream for quantities sampled by a cuboid corner sensor mask
 CIndexOutputStreamOutput stream for quantities sampled by an index sensor mask
 CWholeDomainOutputStreamOutput stream for quantities sampled in the whole domain
 CCommandLineParametersThe class to parse and store command line parameters
 CCuboidOutputStream::CuboidInfoThis structure information about a HDF5 dataset (one cuboid)
 CDimensionSizesStructure with 4D dimension sizes (3 in space and 1 in time)
 CHdf5FileClass wrapping the HDF5 routines
 CHdf5FileHeaderClass for HDF5 file header
 CKSpaceFirstOrder3DSolverClass responsible for running the k-space first order 3D method
 CLoggerStatic class implementing the user interface by info messages
 CMatrixContainerClass implementing the matrix container
 CMatrixRecordA structure storing details about the matrix
 COutputStreamContainerA container for output streams
 CParametersClass storing all parameters of the simulation
 CTimeMeasureClass measuring elapsed time