.php xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/.php"> - k-Wave MATLAB Toolbox
k-Wave Toolbox


Create a binary map of a bowl within a 3D grid.


bowl = makeBowl(grid_size, bowl_pos, radius, diameter, focus_pos)
bowl = makeBowl(grid_size, bowl_pos, radius, diameter, focus_pos, ...)


makeBowl creates a binary map of a bowl from a symmetric spherical shell within a three-dimensional grid. The bowl position is denoted by 1's in the matrix with 0's elsewhere. The bowl surface within the Cartesian grid is found using a bi-directional line search along each row and column to find the grid point with radius closest to the desired radius.

The position of the bowl is set by bowl_pos, which corresponds to the center of the rear bowl surface. The orientation of the bowl is set by focus_pos, which corresponds to any point on the axis of the bowl (note, this must not be equal to bowl_pos). It is assumed that the solid angle of the bowl is equal to or less than 2*pi steradians. If the radius is set to inf, a disc is generated.

In some cases, the generated bowl will not be simply connected, and there will be a small number of overlapping grid points. To remove these points, set the optional input 'RemoveOverlap' to true.


% define parameters
grid_size = [32, 64, 64];
bowl_pos  = [1, 32, 32];
radius    = 60;
diameter  = 61;
focus_pos = [32, 32, 32];

% create bowl
makeBowl(grid_size, bowl_pos, radius, diameter, focus_pos, 'Plot', true);
% define parameters
grid_size = [128, 128, 128];
bowl_pos  = [80, 80, 80];
radius    = 60;
diameter  = 81;
focus_pos = [1, 1, 1];

% create bowl
makeBowl(grid_size, bowl_pos, radius, diameter, focus_pos, 'Plot', true);


grid_size size of the 3D grid given as a three element vector [Nx, Ny, Nz] [grid points]
bowl_pos centre of the rear surface of the bowl given as a three element vector [bx, by, bz] [grid points]
radius radius of curvature of the bowl [grid points]
diameter aperture diameter of the bowl [grid points]
focus_pos any point on the beam axis of the bowl given as a three element vector [fx, fy, fz] [grid points]

Optional Inputs

Optional 'string', value pairs that may be used to modify the default computational settings.

Input Valid Settings Default Description
'Binary' (Boolean scalar) false Boolean controlling whether the bowl map is returned as a double precision matrix (false) or a logical matrix (true).
'Plot' (Boolean scalar) false Boolean controlling whether the bowl is plotted using voxelPlot.
'RemoveOverlap' (Boolean scalar) false Boolean controlling whether overlapped grid points are removed.


bowl 3D binary map of a bowl

See Also

makeArc, makeBall, makeCartBowl, makeMultiBowl, makeSphere, makeSphericalSection