.php xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/.php"> - k-Wave MATLAB Toolbox
k-Wave Toolbox

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Time Domain Wave Propagation in Fluid Media

angularSpectrum Project time-domain input plane using the angular spectrum method.
calculateMassSource Compute k-Wave input plane from measured time-varying data.
kspaceFirstOrder1D 1D time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrder2D 2D time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrder2DC 2D time-domain simulation of wave propagation using C++ code
kspaceFirstOrder2DG 2D time-domain simulation of wave propagation on a GPU using C++ CUDA code
kspaceFirstOrder3D 3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrder3DC 3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation using C++ code
kspaceFirstOrder3DG 3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation on a GPU using C++ CUDA code
kspaceFirstOrderAS Axisymmetric time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrderASC Axisymmetric time-domain simulation of wave propagation using C++ code
kspaceSecondOrder Fast time-domain simulation of wave propagation for homogeneous media

Single Frequency Wave Propagation in Fluid Media

angularSpectrumCW Project CW input plane using the angular spectrum method.
calculateMassSourceCW Compute k-Wave input plane from measured CW data.
acousticFieldPropagator Calculate acoustic field for CW source.
acousticFieldPropagatorC Calculate acoustic field for CW source using C++ code.

Time Domain Wave Propagation in Elastic Media

pstdElastic2D 2D time-domain simulation of elastic wave propagation
pstdElastic3D 3D time-domain simulation of elastic wave propagation

Time Domain Heat Diffusion

bioheatExact Compute exact solution to Pennes' bioheat equation in homogeneous media
kWaveDiffusion Time-domain simulation of heat diffusion and perfusion

Reference Solutions

focusedAnnulusONeil Compute axial pressure for focused annulus transducer using O'Neil's solution
focusedBowlONeil Compute O'Neil's solution for focused bowl transducer
mendousse Compute Mendousse's solution for nonlinear wave propagation in viscous media

Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction

kspaceLineRecon 2D linear FFT reconstruction
kspacePlaneRecon 3D planar FFT reconstruction

See also kspaceFirstOrder1D, kspaceFirstOrder2D, and kspaceFirstOrder3D for time-reversal image reconstruction

Geometry and Shape Creation

kWaveArray Class definition for k-Wave array
makeArc Create a binary map of an arc within a 2D grid
makeBall Create a binary map of a filled ball within a 3D grid
makeBowl Create a binary map of a bowl within a 3D grid
makeCartArc Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering an arc
makeCartBowl Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a bowl
makeCartCircle Create a 2D Cartesian circle or arc
makeCartDisc Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a disc
makeCartRect Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a rectangle
makeCartSphere Create a 3D Cartesian sphere
makeCartSphericalSegment Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a spherical segment
makeCircle Create a binary map of a circle within a 2D grid
makeDisc Create a binary map of a filled disc within a 2D grid
makeLine Create a binary map of a straight line within a 2D grid
makeMultiArc Create a binary map of multiple arcs within a 2D grid
makeMultiBowl Create a binary map of multiple bowls within a 3D grid
makeSphere Create a binary map of a sphere within a 3D grid
makeSphericalSection Create a binary map of a sphere segment within a 3D grid

Acoustic Absorption Coefficient Calculation and Conversion

attenComp Attenuation compensation using time-variant filtering
db2neper Convert decibels to nepers
fitPowerLawParams Fit power law absorption parameters for highly absorbing media
neper2db Convert nepers to decibels
powerLawKramersKronig Calculate dispersion for power law absorption
waterAbsorption Calculate ultrasound absorption in distilled water

Material Properties

waterAbsorption Calculate ultrasound absorption in distilled water
waterDensity Calculate density of air-saturated water with temperature
waterNonlinearity Calculate B/A of water with temperature
waterSoundSpeed Calculate the sound speed in distilled water with temperature

Grid and Matrix Utilities

cart2grid Interpolate a set of Cartesian points onto a binary grid
computeLinearTransform Compute a linear transformation matrix from two points
expandMatrix Enlarge a matrix by extending the edge values
findClosest Return the closest value in a matrix
fourierShift Resample data using a Fourier interpolant
getAffineMatrix Return matrix for affine transform in 3D
getSpacedPoints Create vector of log or linear spaced points
getOptimalPMLSize Find PML size to give the smallest prime factors
grid2cart Return the Cartesian coordinates of the non-zero points of a binary grid
interpCartData Interpolate data from a Cartesian to a binary sensor mask
interpftn Resample data using Fourier interpolation
kWaveArray Class definition for k-Wave array
kWaveGrid Class definition for k-Wave grid
loadImage Load an image file
offGridPoints Create a non-binary source mask from Cartesian points
maxND Return the value and indices of the largest value in an N-D array
minND Return the value and indices of the smallest value in an N-D array
numDim Return the number of matrix dimensions
resize Resize a matrix
reorderBinarySensorData Reorder data from a binary sensor mask
reorderSensorData Reorder sensor data from kspaceFirstOrder2D based on angle
revolve2D Form 3D matrix from revolution of 2D matrix
roundEven Round towards the nearest even number
roundOdd Round towards the nearest odd number
trimCartPoints Remove Cartesian points that are not within a kgrid
trimZeros Create a tight bounding box by removing zeros
unmaskSensorData Reorder data recorded using a binary sensor mask

Filtering and Spectral Utilities

applyFilter Filter input with low, high, or band pass filter
envelopeDetection Extract signal envelope using the Hilbert Transform
filterTimeSeries Filter signal using the Kaiser windowing method
gaussianFilter Filter signals using a frequency domain Gaussian filter
getAlphaFilter Create filter for medium.alpha_filter
getBLI Compute underlying Fourier band-limited interpolant (BLI)
getDeltaBLI Exact BLI of an arbitrarily positioned delta function
getFDMatrix Create a matrix of finite-difference coefficients
getWin Return a frequency domain windowing function
gradientFD Calculate the gradient using a finite-difference method
gradientSpect Calculate the gradient using a Fourier spectral method
sharpness Calculate image sharpness metric
spect Compute the single sided amplitude and phase spectrums
smooth Smooth a matrix
vesselFilter Frangi's 3D vessel filter

Display and Visualisation

beamPlot Plot volumetric data using intersecting planes
flyThrough Display a three-dimensional matrix slice by slice
getColorMap Return default k-Wave color map
overlayPlot Overlay two images
saveTiffStack Save volume data as a tiff stack
scaleFig Resize current figure window
stackedPlot Stacked linear plot
voxelPlot 3D plot of voxels in a binary matrix

Signal Creation and Processing

addNoise Add Gaussian noise to a signal for a given SNR
createCWSignals Generate array of CW signals from amplitude and phase
envelopeDetection Extract signal envelope using the Hilbert Transform
extractAmpPhase Extract amplitude and phase from CW signals
focus Create input signal based on source mask and focus position
fwhm Compute the full width at half maximum
gaussian Create a Gaussian distribution
gaussianFilter Filter signals using a frequency domain Gaussian filter
hounsfield2density Convert Hounsfield units to density
kWaveTransducer Class definition for k-Wave linear array transducer
logCompression Log compress an input signal
scanConversion Convert scan-lines in polar coordinates to a B-mode ultrasound image
toneBurst Create an enveloped single frequency tone burst

HDF5 Utilities

h5compare Compare the contents of two HDF5 files
writeAttributes Write attributes to a k-Wave HDF5 file
writeFlags Write input flags to a k-Wave HDF5 file
writeGrid Write grid and PML properties to a k-Wave HDF5 file
writeMatrix Write MATLAB matrix to a k-Wave HDF5 file

System Parameters and Utilities

benchmark Run performance benchmark
checkFactors Return the maximum prime factor for a range of numbers
checkStability Return maximum stable time step for k-space fluid models
getDateString Create a string of the current date and time
Return information about computer and k-Wave version
getkWavePath Return pathname to the k-Wave Toolbox
scaleSI Scale a number to nearest SI unit prefix
scaleTime Convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds
