.php xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/.php"> - k-Wave MATLAB Toolbox
k-Wave Toolbox


Class definition for k-Wave grid.


kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, dx)
kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, dx, Ny, dy)
kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, dx, Ny, dy, Nz, dz)


kWaveGrid is the grid class used across the k-Wave Toolbox. An object of the kWaveGrid class contains the grid coordinates and wavenumber matrices used within the simulation and reconstruction functions in k-Wave. The grid matrices are indexed as: (x, 1) in 1D; (x, y) in 2D; and (x, y, z) in 3D. The grid is assumed to be a regularly spaced Cartesian grid, with grid spacing given by dx, dy, dz (typically the grid spacing in each direction is constant).


Nx, Ny, Nz number of grid points in each Cartesian direction
dx, dy, dz grid point spacing in each Cartesian direction [m]


kgrid kWaveGrid object used by the simulation and reconstructions functions within k-Wave

Dynamic Properties

Properties which can be queried or modified after the object is created.

Fieldname Description
kgrid.Nt number of time steps (default = 'auto')
kgrid.dt time step [s] (default = 'auto')
kgrid.t_array evenly spaced array of time values [s] (default = 'auto')

Note, t_array is a derived property, thus changing Nt or dt will also change t_array, and modifying t_array will update Nt and dt.

Static Properties

Properties which can be queried, but not modified, after the object is created.

Fieldname Description
kgrid.k Nx x Ny x Nz grid of the scalar wavenumber, where k = sqrt(kx.^2 + ky.^2 + kz.^2) [rad/m]
kgrid.k_max maximum wavenumber (spatial frequency) supported by the grid [rad/m]
kgrid.dim number of spatial dimensions
kgrid.total_grid_points total number of grid points (equal to Nx*Ny*Nz)
kgrid.highest_prime_factors 3 x 1 vector of the highest prime factor in each direction

And for each spatial dimension x, y, z:

Fieldname Description
kgrid.Nx number of grid points in the x-direction
kgrid.dx grid point spacing in the x-direction [m]
kgrid.x_vec Nx x 1 vector of the grid coordinates in the x-direction [m]
kgrid.x Nx x Ny x Nz grid containing repeated copies of the grid coordinates in the x-direction [m]
kgrid.x_size length of grid dimension in the x-direction [m]
kgrid.kx_vec Nx x 1 vector of the wavenumber components in the x-direction [rad/m]
kgrid.kx Nx x Ny x Nz grid containing repeated copies of the wavenumber components in the x-direction [rad/m]
kgrid.kx_max maximum wavenumber (spatial frequency) supported by the grid in the x-direction [rad/m]

Methods: setTime

setTime sets Nt and dt to the input values. The syntax is:

kgrid.setTime(Nt, dt)

Methods: makeTime

makeTime automatically specifies Nt, dt, and t_array based on the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) number and the grid size. The sytax is:

kgrid.makeTime(sound_speed, cfl)
kgrid.makeTime(sound_speed, cfl, t_end)
kgrid.makeTime(sound_speed, [], t_end)

where the inputs are given by

sound_speed - sound speed in the medium [m/s]
cfl         - CFL number (default = 0.3)
t_end       - simulation time [s]

The time-step dt is chosen based on the CFL number (the default is 0.3), where dt = cfl * dx / sound_speed. If t_end is not specified, the number of time-steps is chosen based on the time it takes to travel from one corner of the grid to the geometrically opposite corner. Note, if sound_speed is given as a matrix, the calculation for dt is based on the maximum value, and the calculation for t_end based on the minimum value.

Methods: Discrete Trigonometric Transforms

Objects of the kWaveGrid class also have the following methods to return the wavenumbers for use with discrete sine and cosine transforms. The syntax is:

k      = kgrid.k_dtt(dtt_type)
kx_vec = kgrid.kx_vec_dtt(dtt_type)
ky_vec = kgrid.ky_vec_dtt(dtt_type)
kz_vec = kgrid.kz_vec_dtt(dtt_type)

Here dtt_type is the type of discrete trigonometric transform (this determines the assumed symmetry of the input function), where:

1 -> DCT-I    WSWS (W: Whole Sample, S: Symmetric)
2 -> DCT-II   HSHS 
4 -> DCT-IV   HSHA
5 -> DST-I    WAWA
6 -> DST-II   HAHA (H: Half Sample, A: Antisymmetric)
8 -> DST-IV   HAHS

These methods can also return the implied periodic length of the grid (denoted M) given the grid size and the dtt_type, e.g.,

[kx_vec, Mx] = kgrid.kx_vec_dtt(1);
[k, M]       = kgrid.k_dtt(1);

The method .k_dtt returns the product of the implied length in each dimension, e.g., in 2D, M = Mx*My. This is used for scaling the inverse trigonometric transforms.


Running kgrid = kWaveGrid(128, 0.1, 128, 0.1) at the command line will return:

kgrid = kWaveGrid(128, 0.1, 128, 0.1)

kgrid = 

  kWaveGrid with properties:

                       Nx: 128
                       Ny: 128
                       Nz: 0
                       dx: 0.1000
                       dy: 0.1000
                       dz: 0
                   kx_vec: [128x1 double]
                   ky_vec: [128x1 double]
                   kz_vec: 0
                        k: [128x128 double]
                   kx_max: 31.4159
                   ky_max: 31.4159
                   kz_max: 0
                    k_max: 31.4159
                      dim: 2
               nonuniform: 0
                       dt: 'auto'
                       Nt: 'auto'
                    x_vec: [128x1 double]
                    y_vec: [128x1 double]
                    z_vec: 0
                        x: [128x128 double]
                        y: [128x128 double]
                        z: 0
                       kx: [128x128 double]
                       ky: [128x128 double]
                       kz: 0
                   x_size: 12.8000
                   z_size: 0
                   y_size: 12.8000
        total_grid_points: 16384
    highest_prime_factors: [2 2 0]
                  t_array: 'auto'

See Also

kspaceFirstOrder1D, kspaceFirstOrder2D, kspaceFirstOrder3D, kspaceSecondOrder, pstdElastic2D, pstdElastic3D