.php xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/.php"> - k-Wave MATLAB Toolbox
k-Wave Toolbox


2D time-domain simulation of elastic wave propagation.


sensor_data = pstdElastic2D(kgrid, medium, source, sensor)
sensor_data = pstdElastic2D(kgrid, medium, source, sensor, ...) 


pstdElastic2D simulates the time-domain propagation of elastic waves through a two-dimensional homogeneous or heterogeneous medium given four input structures: kgrid, medium, source, and sensor. The computation is based on a pseudospectral time domain model which accounts for viscoelastic absorption and heterogeneous material parameters. At each time-step (defined by kgrid.dt and kgrid.Nt or kgrid.t_array), the wavefield parameters at the positions defined by sensor.mask are recorded and stored. If kgrid.t_array is set to 'auto', this array is automatically generated using the makeTime method of the kWaveGrid class. An anisotropic absorbing boundary layer called a perfectly matched layer (PML) is implemented to prevent waves that leave one side of the domain being reintroduced from the opposite side (a consequence of using the FFT to compute the spatial derivatives in the wave equation). This allows infinite domain simulations to be computed using small computational grids.

An initial pressure distribution can be specified by assigning a matrix of pressure values the same size as the computational grid to source.p0. This is then assigned to the normal components of the stress within the simulation function. A time varying stress source can similarly be specified by assigning a binary matrix (i.e., a matrix of 1's and 0's with the same dimensions as the computational grid) to source.s_mask where the 1's represent the grid points that form part of the source. The time varying input signals are then assigned to source.sxx, source.syy, and source.sxy. These can be a single time series (in which case it is applied to all source elements), or a matrix of time series following the source elements using MATLAB's standard column-wise linear matrix index ordering. A time varying velocity source can be specified in an analogous fashion, where the source location is specified by source.u_mask, and the time varying input velocity is assigned to source.ux and source.uy.

The field values are returned as arrays of time series at the sensor locations defined by sensor.mask. This can be defined in three different ways. (1) As a binary matrix (i.e., a matrix of 1's and 0's with the same dimensions as the computational grid) representing the grid points within the computational grid that will collect the data. (2) As the grid coordinates of two opposing corners of a rectangle in the form [x1; y1; x2; y2]. This is equivalent to using a binary sensor mask covering the same region, however, the output is indexed differently as discussed below. (3) As a series of Cartesian coordinates within the grid which specify the location of the pressure values stored at each time step. If the Cartesian coordinates don't exactly match the coordinates of a grid point, the output values are calculated via interpolation. The Cartesian points must be given as a 2 by N matrix corresponding to the x and y positions, respectively, where the Cartesian origin is assumed to be in the center of the grid. If no output is required, the sensor input can be replaced with an empty array [].

If sensor.mask is given as a set of Cartesian coordinates, the computed sensor_data is returned in the same order. If sensor.mask is given as a binary matrix, sensor_data is returned using MATLAB's standard column-wise linear matrix index ordering. In both cases, the recorded data is indexed as sensor_data(sensor_point_index, time_index). For a binary sensor mask, the field values at a particular time can be restored to the sensor positions within the computation grid using unmaskSensorData. If sensor.mask is given as a list of opposing corners of a rectangle, the recorded data is indexed as sensor_data(rect_index).p(x_index, y_index, time_index), where x_index and y_index correspond to the grid index within the rectangle, and rect_index corresponds to the number of rectangles if more than one is specified.

By default, the recorded acoustic pressure field is passed directly to the output sensor_data. However, other acoustic parameters can also be recorded by setting sensor.record to a cell array of the form {'p', 'u', 'p_max', ...}. For example, both the particle velocity and the acoustic pressure can be returned by setting sensor.record = {'p', 'u'}. If sensor.record is given, the output sensor_data is returned as a structure with the different outputs appended as structure fields. For example, if sensor.record = {'p', 'p_final', 'p_max', 'u'}, the output would contain fields sensor_data.p, sensor_data.p_final, sensor_data.p_max, sensor_data.ux, and sensor_data.uy. Most of the output parameters are recorded at the given sensor positions and are indexed as sensor_data.field(sensor_point_index, time_index) or sensor_data(rect_index).field(x_index, y_index, time_index) if using a sensor mask defined as opposing rectangular corners. The exceptions are the averaged quantities ('p_max', 'p_rms', 'u_max', 'p_rms', 'I_avg'), the 'all' quantities ('p_max_all', 'p_min_all', 'u_max_all', 'u_min_all'), and the final quantities ('p_final', 'u_final'). The averaged quantities are indexed as sensor_data.p_max(sensor_point_index) or sensor_data(rect_index).p_max(x_index, y_index) if using rectangular corners, while the final and 'all' quantities are returned over the entire grid and are always indexed as sensor_data.p_final(nx, ny), regardless of the type of sensor mask.

pstdElastic2D may also be used for time reversal image reconstruction by assigning the time varying pressure recorded over an arbitrary sensor surface to the input field sensor.time_reversal_boundary_data. This data is then enforced in time reversed order as a time varying Dirichlet boundary condition over the sensor surface given by sensor.mask. The boundary data must be indexed as sensor.time_reversal_boundary_data(sensor_point_index, time_index). If sensor.mask is given as a set of Cartesian coordinates, the boundary data must be given in the same order. An equivalent binary sensor mask (computed using nearest neighbour interpolation) is then used to place the pressure values into the computational grid at each time step. If sensor.mask is given as a binary matrix of sensor points, the boundary data must be ordered using MATLAB's standard column-wise linear matrix indexing. If no additional inputs are required, the source input can be replaced with an empty array [].


The minimum fields that must be assigned to run an initial value problem (for example, a photoacoustic forward simulation) are marked with a *.

kgrid* k-Wave grid object returned by kWaveGrid containing Cartesian and k-space grid fields

evenly spaced array of time values [s] (set to 'auto' by kWaveGrid)

medium.sound_speed_compression* compressional sound speed distribution within the acoustic medium [m/s]
medium.sound_speed_shear* shear sound speed distribution within the acoustic medium [m/s]
medium.density* density distribution within the acoustic medium [kg/m^3]
medium.alpha_coeff_compression absorption coefficient for compressional waves [dB/(MHz^2 cm)]
medium.alpha_coeff_shear absorption coefficient for shear waves [dB/(MHz^2 cm)]
source.p0* initial pressure within the acoustic medium
source.sxx time varying stress at each of the source positions given by source.s_mask
source.syy time varying stress at each of the source positions given by source.s_mask
source.sxy time varying stress at each of the source positions given by source.s_mask
source.s_mask binary matrix specifying the positions of the time varying stress source distributions
source.s_mode optional input to control whether the input stress is injected as a mass source or enforced as a dirichlet boundary condition; valid inputs are 'additive' (the default) or 'dirichlet'
source.ux time varying particle velocity in the x-direction at each of the source positions given by source.u_mask
source.uy time varying particle velocity in the y-direction at each of the source positions given by source.u_mask
source.u_mask binary matrix specifying the positions of the time varying particle velocity distribution
source.u_mode optional input to control whether the input velocity is applied as a force source or enforced as a dirichlet boundary condition; valid inputs are 'additive' (the default) or 'dirichlet'
sensor.mask* binary matrix or a set of Cartesian points where the pressure is recorded at each time-step
sensor.record cell array of the acoustic parameters to record in the form sensor.record = {'p', 'u', ...}; valid inputs are:
  'p' (acoustic pressure)
  'p_max' (maximum pressure)
  'p_min' (minimum pressure)
  'p_rms' (RMS pressure)
  'p_final' (final pressure field at all grid points)
  'p_max_all' (maximum pressure at all grid points)
  'p_min_all' (minimum pressure at all grid points)
  'u' (particle velocity)
  'u_max' (maximum particle velocity)
  'u_min' (minimum particle velocity)
  'u_rms' (RMS particle velocity)
  'u_final' (final particle velocity field at all grid points)
  'u_max_all' (maximum particle velocity at all grid points)
  'u_min_all' (minimum particle velocity at all grid points)
  'u_non_staggered' (particle velocity on non-staggered grid)
  'u_split_field' (particle velocity on non-staggered grid split into compressional and shear components)
  'I' (time varying acoustic intensity)
  'I_avg' (average acoustic intensity)

NOTE: the acoustic pressure outputs are calculated from the normal stress via p = -(sxx + syy)/2
sensor.record_start_index time index at which the sensor should start recording the data specified by sensor.record (default = 1)
sensor.time_reversal_boundary_data time varying pressure enforced as a Dirichlet boundary condition over sensor.mask
    Note  For a heterogeneous medium, medium.sound_speed_compression, medium.sound_speed_shear, and medium.density must be given in matrix form with the same dimensions as kgrid. For a homogeneous medium, these can be given as scalar values.

Optional Inputs

Optional 'string', value pairs that may be used to modify the default computational settings.

Input Valid Settings Default Description
'CartInterp' 'linear'
'linear' Interpolation mode used to extract the pressure when a Cartesian sensor mask is given. If set to 'nearest' and more than one Cartesian point maps to the same grid point, duplicated data points are discarded and sensor_data will be returned with less points than that specified by sensor.mask.
'CreateLog' (Boolean scalar) false Boolean controlling whether the command line output is saved using the diary function with a date and time stamped filename.
'DataCast' (string of data type) 'off' String input of the data type that variables are cast to before computation. For example, setting to 'single' will speed up the computation time (due to the improved efficiency of ifftn for this data type) at the expense of a loss in precision. This variable is also useful for utilising GPU parallelisation through libraries such as the Parallel Computing Toolbox by setting 'DataCast' to 'gpuArray-single'.
'DataRecast' (Boolean scalar) false Boolean controlling whether the output data is cast back to double precision. If set to false, sensor_data will be returned in the data format set using the 'DataCast' option.
'DisplayMask' (binary matrix) or
sensor.mask Binary matrix overlaid onto the animated simulation display. Elements set to 1 within the display mask are set to black within the display.
'MovieArgs' (string cell array) {} Settings for VideoWriter. Parameters must be given as {'param', value, ...} pairs within a cell array (default = {}), where 'param' corresponds to a writable property of a VideoWriter object.
'MovieName' (string) 'date-time-kspaceFirstOrder2D' Name of the movie produced when 'RecordMovie' is set to true.
'MovieProfile' (string) 'Uncompressed AVI' Profile input passed to VideoWriter.
'PlotFreq' (integer numeric scalar) 10 The number of iterations which must pass before the simulation plot is updated.
'PlotPML' (Boolean scalar) true Boolean controlling whether the perfectly matched layer is shown in the simulation plots. If set to false, the PML is not displayed.

'PlotScale' (numeric four element vector) or
[-1, 1, -1, 1] [sii_min, sii_max, sij_min, sij_max] values used to control the scaling for imagesc (visualisation), where sii is the plot scale for the normal stress, and sij is the plot scale for the shear stress. If set to 'auto', a symmetric plot scale is chosen automatically for each plot frame.
'PlotSim' (Boolean scalar) true Boolean controlling whether the simulation iterations are progressively plotted.
'PMLAlpha' (numeric scalar or three element vector) 2 Absorption within the perfectly matched layer in Nepers per grid point.
'PMLInside' (Boolean scalar) true Boolean controlling whether the perfectly matched layer is inside or outside the grid. If set to false, the input grids are enlarged by PMLSize before running the simulation.
'PMLSize' (integer numeric scalar or three element vector) 10 Size of the perfectly matched layer in grid points. By default, the PML is added evenly to all sides of the grid, however, both PMLSize and PMLAlpha can be given as two element arrays to specify the x and y properties, respectively. To remove the PML, set the appropriate PMLAlpha to zero rather than forcing the PML to be of zero size.
'RecordMovie' (Boolean scalar) false Boolean controlling whether the displayed image frames are captured and stored as a movie using VideoWriter (default = false).
'Smooth' (Boolean scalar or three element vector) [true, false, false] Boolean controlling whether source.p0, medium.sound_speed, and medium.density are smoothed using smooth before computation. 'Smooth' can either be given as a single Boolean value or as a 3 element array to control the smoothing of source.p0, medium.sound_speed, and medium.density, independently.


If sensor.record is not defined by the user:

sensor_data time varying pressure recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask

If sensor.record is defined by the user:

sensor_data.p time varying pressure recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'p' is set)
sensor_data.p_max maximum pressure recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'p_max' is set)
sensor_data.p_min minimum pressure recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'p_min' is set)
sensor_data.p_rms rms of the time varying pressure recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'p_rms' is set)
sensor_data.p_final final pressure field at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'p_final' is set)
sensor_data.p_max_all maximum pressure recorded at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'p_max_all' is set)
sensor_data.p_min_all minimum pressure recorded at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'p_min_all' is set)
sensor_data.ux time varying particle velocity in the x-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u' is set)
sensor_data.uy time varying particle velocity in the y-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u' is set)
sensor_data.ux_max maximum particle velocity in the x-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_max' is set)
sensor_data.uy_max maximum particle velocity in the y-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_max' is set)
sensor_data.ux_min minimum particle velocity in the x-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_min' is set)
sensor_data.uy_min minimum particle velocity in the y-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_min' is set)
sensor_data.ux_rms rms of the time varying particle velocity in the x-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_rms' is set)
sensor_data.uy_rms rms of the time varying particle velocity in the y-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_rms' is set)
sensor_data.ux_final final particle velocity field in the x-direction at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'u_final' is set)
sensor_data.uy_final final particle velocity field in the y-direction at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'u_final' is set)
sensor_data.ux_max_all maximum particle velocity in the x-direction recorded at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'u_max_all' is set)
sensor_data.uy_max_all maximum particle velocity in the y-direction recorded at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'u_max_all' is set)
sensor_data.ux_min_all minimum particle velocity in the x-direction recorded at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'u_min_all' is set)
sensor_data.uy_min_all minimum particle velocity in the y-direction recorded at all grid points within the domain (returned if 'u_min_all' is set)
sensor_data.ux_non_staggered time varying particle velocity in the x-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask after shifting to the non-staggered grid (returned if 'u_non_staggered' is set)
sensor_data.uy_non_staggered time varying particle velocity in the y-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask after shifting to the non-staggered grid (returned if 'u_non_staggered' is set)
sensor_data.ux_split_p compressional component of the time varying particle velocity in the x-direction on the non-staggered grid recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_split_field' is set)
sensor_data.ux_split_s shear component of the time varying particle velocity in the x-direction on the non-staggered grid recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_split_field' is set)
sensor_data.uy_split_p compressional component of the time varying particle velocity in the y-direction on the non-staggered grid recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_split_field' is set)
sensor_data.uy_split_s shear component of the time varying particle velocity in the y-direction on the non-staggered grid recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'u_split_field' is set)
sensor_data.Ix time varying acoustic intensity in the x-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'I' is set)
sensor_data.Iy time varying acoustic intensity in the y-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'I' is set)
sensor_data.Ix_avg average acoustic intensity in the x-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'I_avg' is set)
sensor_data.Iy_avg average acoustic intensity in the z-direction recorded at the sensor positions given by sensor.mask (returned if 'I_avg' is set)


See Also

kspaceFirstOrder2D, kWaveGrid, pstdElastic3D