.php xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/.php"> - k-Wave MATLAB Toolbox
k-Wave Toolbox


Interpolate a set of Cartesian points onto a binary grid.


[grid_data, order_index, reorder_index] = cart2grid(kgrid, cart_data)


cart2grid interpolates the set of Cartesian points defined by cart_data onto a binary matrix defined by the k-Wave grid object kgrid using nearest neighbour interpolation. An error is returned if the Cartesian points are outside the computational domain defined by kgrid.


kgrid k-Wave grid object returned by kWaveGrid
cart_data 1 x N, 2 x N, or 3 x N (for 1, 2, and 3 dimensions) array of Cartesian sensor points


grid_data binary grid with the same dimensions as kgrid
order_index the order that the Cartesian points appear in grid_data according to MATLAB's standard column-wise linear matrix index ordering
reorder_index the order that the binary points in grid_data (according to MATLAB's standard column-wise linear matrix index ordering) appear in the original Cartesian data


See Also

grid2cart, interpCartData, kWaveGrid